



  1. 准备两个目录来存放相关参数文件:


mkdir $workdir
mkdir $inputdir
  1. 在input目录下编写如下input.nml文件:


      name = 'Cubic Si'
      atomtypes=1 1
      lattvecs(:,1) =  -0.27010011   0.00000000   0.27010011
      lattvecs(:,2) =   0.00000000   0.27010011   0.27010011
      lattvecs(:,3) =  -0.27010011   0.27010011   0.00000000
      basis(:,1) =    0.00 0.00 0.00
      basis(:,2) =    0.25 0.25 0.25
      T = 300.0 !K
      epsilon0 = 11.7 !From Ioffe

      spindeg = 2
      indlowband = 5 !Lowest transport band
      indhighband = 6 !Highest transport band
      indlowconduction = 5 !Lowest conduction band
      numbands = 8 !Total wannier bands
      enref = 6.70035 !eV, CBM
      chempot = 6.70035 !eV, CBM

      qmesh = 6 6 6
      mesh_ref = 4 !kmesh = 24 24 24
      fsthick = 0.4 !eV about enref
      datadumpdir = './scratch/' !Or, enter suitable scratch directory
      conv_thres = 0.0001
      maxiter = 50 !Maximum number of iterations

  coarse_qmesh = 6 6 6
  1. 在Si_6r4_300K_CBM_gcc目录下执行以下命令:

cp ../$inputdir/input.nml .

ln -s ../$inputdir/rcells_g .
ln -s ../$inputdir/rcells_k .
ln -s ../$inputdir/rcells_q .
ln -s ../$inputdir/wsdeg_g .
ln -s ../$inputdir/wsdeg_k .
ln -s ../$inputdir/wsdeg_q .
ln -s ../$inputdir/epwdata.fmt .
ln -s ../$inputdir/epmatwp1 .
ln -s ../$inputdir/FORCE_CONSTANTS_3RD .
ln -s ../$inputdir/espresso.ifc2 .
  1. 在Si_6r4_300K_CBM_gcc目录下编写以下elphbolt.slurm脚本:


#SBATCH --job-name=elphbolt
#SBATCH --partition=small
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4
#SBATCH --output=%j.out
#SBATCH --error=%j.err

module load gcc/8.3.0
module load openmpi/4.0.4-gcc-8.3.0
module load netlib-lapack/3.8.0-gcc-8.3.0
module load openblas/0.3.7-gcc-8.3.0
module load elphbolt/1.0.0-gcc-8.3.0-openmpi-4.0.4

cafrun -n 2 elphbolt.x
  1. 使用如下指令提交作业:

sbatch elphbolt.slurm
  1. 作业完成后可在.out文件中看到如下结果(部分):

| \                                                                       |
|  \                                                                      |
|   \   \                                                                 |
|    \   \                                                                |
|   __\   \              _        _    _           _    _                 |
|   \      \         ___|.|      |.|  | |__   ___ |.|_ / /__              |
|    \    __\       / _ \.|   _  |.|_ | '_ \ / _ \|.|_  ___/              |
|     \  \         |  __/.| |/ \_|/  \| |_) : (_) |.|/ /__                |
|      \ \          \___|_|/|__/ |   /| ___/ \___/|_|\___/                |
|       \ \                /|                                             |
|        \\                \|                                             |
|         \\                '                                             |
|          \                                                              |
|           \                                                             |
| A solver for the coupled electron-phonon Boltzmann transport equations. |
| Copyright (C) 2020- Nakib Haider Protik.                                |
|                                                                         |
| This is a 'free as in freedom'[*] software, distributed under the GPLv3.|
| [*] https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.en.html                      |

Number of coarray images =     2
______________________________________________________Setting up crystal...
Material: Cubic Si
Isotopic average of masses will be used.
Si mass =   0.28085510E+02 u
Lattice vectors [nm]:
-0.27010011E+00   0.00000000E+00   0.27010011E+00
0.00000000E+00   0.27010011E+00   0.27010011E+00
-0.27010011E+00   0.27010011E+00   0.00000000E+00
Primitive cell volume =  0.39409804E-01 nm^3
Reciprocal lattice vectors [1/nm]:
-0.11631216E+02  -0.11631216E+02   0.11631216E+02
0.11631216E+02   0.11631216E+02   0.11631216E+02
-0.11631216E+02   0.11631216E+02  -0.11631216E+02
Brillouin zone volume =  0.15943204E+03 1/nm^3
Crystal temperature =  300.00 K
____________________________________________Reading numerics information...
q-mesh =     6    6    6
k-mesh =    24   24   24
Fermi window thickness (each side of reference energy) =   0.40000000E+00 eV
Working directory = /lustre/home/acct-hpc/hpcpzz/Elphbolttest/Si_6r4_300K_CBM_gcc
Data dump directory = ./scratch/
T-dependent data dump directory = ./scratch/T0.300E+03
e-ph directory = ./scratch/g2
ph-ph directory = ./scratch/V2
Reuse e-ph matrix elements: F
Reuse ph-e matrix elements: F
Reuse ph-ph matrix elements: F
Reuse ph-ph transition probabilities: F
Use tetrahedron method: F
Include ph-e interaction: T
Include ph-isotope interaction: F
Include ph-substitution interaction: F
Include electron-charged impurity interaction: F
Include drag: T
Plot quantities along path: F
Maximum number of BTE iterations =    50
BTE convergence threshold =   0.10000000E-03
______________________________________________________Analyzing symmetry...
Crystal symmetry group = Fd-3m
Number of crystal symmetries (without time-reversal) =    48
_________________________________________Reading EPW Wannier information...

最后更新: 2025 年 02 月 24 日